Welcome to the UK’s leading Medical Cannabis Directory

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Medical Cannabis Service

Who We Work With

Connecting patients with cannabis doctors

What We Do

We connect individuals, patients and carers with medical cannabis specialists and services.

We understand that some patients are anxious when it comes to reaching out for help with accessing medical cannabis, which is why we have ensured that indivuals, patients and carers are at the center of what we do.

We do this by creating a safe and simple space for you to find the right cannabis clinic and medical professional, wherever you are. 

Our easy-to-use directory will help you search and locate a suitable medical cannabis specialist nearest to you. You can search for a medical cannabis specialist or service by location, name, private or NHS clinic, treatable condition and appointment type.

Finding Your Nearest Medical Cannabis Specialist Has Never Been Easier

with the UK's leading Medical Cannabis Directory

Simply enter the postcode, city location, specialist name, clinic name, treatable condition or type of clinic you are looking for:

Did you know that approximately....

of medical cannabis prescriptions are for pain related conditions
of medical cannabis prescriptions are for mental health
of medical cannabis prescriptions are for neurological problems
Breaking the stigma on ADHD and the use of medical cannabis
Breaking the stigma on ADHD and the use of medical cannabis

07 Jul 2022

Dystonia and Medical Cannabis
Dystonia and Medical Cannabis

07 Jul 2022

Treating Menopausal Symptoms with Medical Cannabis
Treating Menopausal Symptoms with Medical Cannabis

07 Jul 2022